• Always start CafeTran by running Start.jar (and not Cafetran.jar). The Start.jar file reads RAM memory setting for java (this is a cafetran.conf file in the installation folder). This setting is important when you load large TMX bases.
• To quit CafeTran on a Mac, always use Control+Q or Exit from the Project tab, and not Command+Q or Exit from the CafeTran tab. If you use Control+Q, CafeTran remembers the settings.
Click to enlarge
• You can assign more RAM to CafeTran by opening the file cafetran.config in a text editor, and changing -Xmx1024m in, for example, -Xmx2048m
Click to enlarge
• To convert a database to a CT TMX: Create a new memory (menu Memory>New memory), and then select Memory>Conversions>Import entries from glossary. When import is finished, save the memory to a tmx file (Memory> Save).
Click to enlarge
• How to go back to a previous segment.
1. Use the menu command Translation>Review segment (its keyboard shortcut or a left arrow button on the target window toolbar).
2. Click at a segment number in the segments window.
3. Type a segment number in the search field and press Enter.
Each of the above methods sets the desired segment for edition. When you have changed the translation of the segment, press "Next segment"
right arrow button in the target window (or Translation>Next segment menu Command) to apply the change. If you also wish to apply the
change in the used memory, press the "Add segment to memory" right arrow cup button ( in the target window instead (menu Translation>Add segment to memory)
- How to transfer tags from the source language to the target language window
Choose one of the following:
1. Type the tag number and press Esc - IMO the most comfortable way.
1. Type the tag number and press Esc - IMO the most comfortable way.
2. Press Fn+F3 and choose a tag.
3. Ctrl+Alt+9 shortcut transfers current tag. (I hope this works for OSX, I haven't tried it yet) [Igor]
It looks like doing the typing yourself is the most comfortable way indeed. You'll have to be darned fast to be able to click the pop-up screen (above) before it vanishes. [Hans]
•You can do a Preview of the document anytime during the project, but Export is final so make sure you check your segments before doing final Export.[Igor]
But then again, I think you can start a new project, import the original file, perform an Pretranslate, and continue translating/checking?[Hans]
- TMX files can cause problems. Maxprograms developed free cross-platform software to check TMX files: TMXValidator If a TMX file does not import in CT, or doesn't import completely, you can use TMXValidator to validate the TMX you received with Validate File in the menu, and if necessary you can Clean Invalid Characters. If you still encounter problems, you will have to use a text editor to eliminate the problems. TextWrangler (Mac only) would be a good choice.[Hans]
- Before adding an Internet Resource to your Project, please read Igor's comment on the subject.